Infants of 6 Months
First Spoon Ragi Banana Mix (Kannan Kaya Powder) It is a perfect blend of carbohydrates and proteins that enhances amino acid availability. It contains good amount of plant-based proteins and Iron, which is essential to prevent anaemia. It contains FOS (fructo-oligosaccharide) - PREBIOTIC that can improve gut digestive health. This is also referred to as Kannan kaya powder. Rs. 250.00 Order now MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayMonday 01. Breakfast Rice noodles with Vegetables Quisque pretium dolor turpis, quis blandit turpis semper ut. Nam malesuada eros nec luctus laoreet 26 g Protein 8 g Fat 49 g Carbohydrates 417 kkal Energy 02. Lunch Braised Rice with Vegetables Mauris mollis eget urna in ultrices. Integer a vulputate mi, in venenatis enim. 23 g Protein 6 g Fat 51 g Carbohydrates 512 kkal Energy 03. Dinner Rice with peas and vegetables Proin dolor enim, placerat at quam non, mattis placerat nulla. Nulla rhoncus ultricies velit eu tincidunt. 31 g Protein 11 g Fat 54 g Carbohydrates 370 kkal EnergyTuesday 01. Breakfast Rice noodles with Vegetables Quisque pretium dolor turpis, quis blandit turpis semper ut. Nam malesuada eros nec luctus laoreet 26 g Protein 8 g Fat 49 g Carbohydrates 417 kkal Energy 02. Lunch Braised Rice with Vegetables Mauris mollis eget urna in ultrices. Integer a vulputate mi, in venenatis enim. 23 g Protein 6 g Fat 51 g Carbohydrates 512 kkal Energy 03. Dinner Rice with peas and vegetables Proin dolor enim, placerat at quam non, mattis placerat nulla. Nulla rhoncus ultricies velit eu tincidunt. 31 g Protein 11 g Fat 54 g Carbohydrates 370 kkal EnergyWednesday 01. Breakfast Rice noodles with Vegetables Quisque pretium dolor turpis, quis blandit turpis semper ut. Nam malesuada eros nec luctus laoreet 26 g Protein 8 g Fat 49 g Carbohydrates 417 kkal Energy 02. Lunch Braised Rice with Vegetables Mauris mollis eget urna in ultrices. Integer a vulputate mi, in venenatis enim. 23 g Protein 6 g Fat 51 g Carbohydrates 512 kkal Energy 03. Dinner Rice with peas and vegetables Proin dolor enim, placerat at quam non, mattis placerat nulla. Nulla rhoncus ultricies velit eu tincidunt. 31 g [...]